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2022 Research Projects

PhD Research

Low power, low-cost gas sensors with high specificity for hydrogen gas

PI: Prof. Bryan Boudouris

Prevention through catalyst design for applications in the petrochemical industry

PI: Prof. Raj Gounder

Predicting spray dynamics for flow assurance, minimization of fines, and prevention of drift

PI: Prof. Osman Basaran

Understanding erosion at the microscopic level

PI: Prof. Osman A. Basaran

Real-time Li-ion battery monitoring using impedance spectroscopy and gas / pressure sensors for early thermal runaway detection

PI: Prof. Vilas Pol

Quantum chemical prediction of molecular thermodynamics to assess reaction safety & scale-up

PI: Prof. Brett Savoie

Professional M.S. Capstone Research

Hydrogen Value Chain (JMJ)

Ocean-Based Carbon Dioxide Removal (Chevron)

Heat Transfer and Hydraulic Model of Agitating Nozzles (Corteva - 1)

Self-Optimizing Reactor Platforms (Corteva - 2)

Use of Water to Mitigate a Bromine Loss of Containment Event (ExxonMobil)

Using the ARSST as an Alternative Method for UN 4.1 Classification (Fauske)

Modeling Energetics of Molecules of Interest to the Pharmaceutical Industry (GSK, …, 6 pharmas)

Hazards assessment of future hydrogen production facilities (AcuTech, ExxonMobil & Kenexis) – fall semester

Add heat of reaction capability to RHEACT – fall semester

Undergraduate Research (PI: Prof Ray Mentzer)

Use of ARSST Calorimeter to Study Reagents Common to the Pharmaceutical Industry – cont’d

Lightning strikes leading to process safety incidents; options to mitigate and best practices (ACC)

Shortcomings of Emergency Response systems, resulting in significant contribution to incidents 

Energetics predictions of CHETAH & TCIT of molecules of interest to pharma industry - cont'd

Assess ESG strategies of several companies in various industries (oil & gas, chemicals, pharma…)                      

  • including process safety & greenhouse gas reduction initiatives (JMJ)

Risk assessment of pipeline, truck & rail transport of hazardous liquids (AcuTech, ACC & ExxonMobil) 

Other Research (PI: Prof Ray Mentzer - e.g. add'l research by Prof MS & PhD students beyond capstone / thesis)

Safety in Academic & Industrial Laboratories - cont'd; joint topic with CISTAR, NSF Funded

Safety in Academic & Industrial Laboratories - cont'd

Joint Topic with CISTAR, NSF Funded

Inherently Safe & Secure Physical Systems - cont'd

Joint Topic with CISTAR, NSF Funded